Membership Application

Your club badge

Your club badge

Come join us

Meetings 3rd Tuesday of the month.

Noon to 1PM

For the current club membership information look at: W6HA.COM

To see meeting info hover mouse over meeting notice on home page.

Process mail

Membership in the club is available to all amateur radio operators, their families, and those interested in obtaining an amateur radio license or learning about amateur radio.

Membership benefits include:

Dues are used primarily to purchase new equipment, liability insurance, and to maintain equipment - including the repeater. Most of the maintenance labor is provided through volunteer efforts of the members.

Members can use the club HF radios and antennas as well as other club-owned equipment. Being a member helps the club succeed.

The annual dues are $20 for a Full membership, $15 for a Retiree or Associate (non-licensed), $5 to include family members and $5 initiation fee (defrays the cost of your badge). Dues are payable in July and are prorated after January 1st.

To join or to learn more about the club stop in at the monthly meeting or email us at w6ha at

Click here to get the club by laws including responsibilities of club officers. Club Bylaws